Our Objectives

Advance the science, art, and safety of Explosives Engineering.

Provide forums and media through which experiences with the principles and techniques of explosives engineering may be reported, discussed, and published in the furtherance of the general benefit.

Promote the National Organization of the Society of Explosives Engineers and adhere to its Constitution and By-Laws.

Code of Ethics

  A few years ago, the ISEE adopted a Code of Ethics for its members. Soon after, the MVSEE also voted to adopt this code, shown below. 

 All members of the Society are required to comply with the standards of conduct for engineers as set forth in the ISEE Fundamental Principles and Fundamental Canons as a condition of continuing membership in good standing.  

Fundamental Priciples

ISEE members uphold and advance the integrity, honesty and dignity of the engineering profession by:

  1. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of humankind
  2. Serving peers, employers, and clients with integrity, honesty, and fidelity
  3. Striving to increase the standard of excellence and prestige of the explosives industry
  4. Supporting the profession and technical societies of their disciplines

Fundamental Canons

ISEE members shall:

  1. Maintain and promote the safety, health, and welfare of persons and property at all times
  2. Perform services only in areas in which they are competent
  3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner
  4. Act as faithful agents or trustees for each employer or client in professional matters while avoiding conflicts of interest
  5. Build their professional reputation on merit of their services, and shall not compete unfairly with others
  6. By their conduct, uphold and enhance honor, integrity, and dignity of the explosives industry
  7. Continue their professional development throughout their career and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those they supervise